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August Book Club - The Wisdom Of Insecurity

37 BOOK CLUB - The Wisdom Of Insecurity

22.8.2022, 18:30 – 20:30

Location: Sue’s home <3 Address will be shared with participants.

Have you ever felt the need to talk about learnings, questions, or disagreements you have while reading a book?

We can learn so much from the world of books and each other. Let’s connect to share. 

ABOUT THE BOOK: In this fascinating book, Alan Watts explores man's quest for psychological security, examining our efforts to find spiritual and intellectual certainty in the realms of religion and philosophy. The Wisdom of Insecurity underlines the importance of our search for stability in an age where human life seems particularly vulnerable and uncertain. Watts argues our insecurity is the consequence of trying to be secure and that, ironically, salvation and sanity lie in the recognition that we have no way of saving ourselves.


SIGN UP: (Chiara’s Book Club E-Mail)

If there are any questions regarding the book club you can also email this address. For now, there is nothing more for you to do apart from getting the book and enjoying reading it. You will get all information via email – stay tuned and keep on reading <3

PRICE: Free <3 Participants are limited to 10 persons for better conversation.

ABOUT THE CLUB: The Book Club at Sagayoga is an opportunity to get new perspectives: maybe you will read a book you would never read on your own. Each month we read and meet to talk about a different book and at the end of each meeting, we decide together what to read next. There is no set genre, and I am looking forward to all the new inspiration.

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