Upcoming events
Heartful New Year with Matilda Mannström
Begin the yoga year of 2025 with self-love and compassion. The Heartful New Year course is an efficient and helpful way to get back to, or establish, a smooth and fluid yogic routine. With a regular practice, you will spontaneously move toward increased freedom, more success, and greater happiness. These are not goals; they are the natural outcomes of yoga.
SOUND HEALING ⎹ victoria
A journey inwards - a unique experience of sound. Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, chimes and many more instruments create a relaxing and easeful setting for you to unwind and soften into being.
Pilates foundations
Neljän kerran Pilates -kurssi.
Jokainen kerta pitää sisällään teoriaosuuden ja mattoharjoituksen. Teoriaosuudessa opiskelemme liikkeiden tekniikkaa ja tarkastelemme keskivartalon toimintaa liikkeen näkökulmasta sekä teemme harjoituksen.
SOUND HEALING ⎹ victoria
A journey inwards - a unique experience of sound. Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, chimes and many more instruments create a relaxing and easeful setting for you to unwind and soften into being.
Asana lab
The four-week-long course includes an introduction to Heartful Flow, a creative and fun approach to asana, sweet and grounding relaxation techniques, and a beginner's guide to meditation. There will also be time for questions and proper hands-on adjustments.
vinyasa ⎹ YAMAS & NIYAMAS
Let’s dive a bit deeper in on our practice, on and off the mat.
This one is for yogis longing for an exploration of the many layers and aspects of yoga.
SOUND HEALING ⎹ victoria
A journey inwards - a unique experience of sound. Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, chimes and many more instruments create a relaxing and easeful setting for you to unwind and soften into being.
mat barre ⎹ holiday spirit
Join us for a Barre event that combines an effective workout with the joyful atmosphere of the holiday season! This session will bring a burn to your legs and glutes, but it’s still perfectly suited for everyone, including beginners. Expect engaging movements in a relaxed and inspiring environment.
Immersion of the sound vibratios and tones of crystal bowls, tibetan singing bowls, chimes and other instruments that will help you feel fully relaxed and renewed.
CANDLELIGHT yin fusion
Unwind this December with our Candlelight Yin Fusion course – a perfect escape from the holiday hustle. Held over three cozy Tuesday evenings, these 1,5-hour sessions are designed to help you reset, breathe more deeply, and reconnect with yourself.
1st advent special
Welcome December 1st with soft movement in candlelight, accompanied by Holiday seasoned melodies, song, sound bowls, glögg and snacks. At Sagayoga Töölö, with Sofie.
Pause the world around you and relax while sound bowls are singing around you. We have everything (and more!) you need for the session: yoga props, tea and snacks.
SOUND HEALING ⎹ victoria
A journey inwards - an unique experience of sound. Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, chimes and many more instruments create a relaxing and easeful setting.
november power ⎹ ONLINE
Build inner strength and resilience with our morning power flows. Join us to stay energized all season long!
20 online practices: 15 live + 5 pre-recorded
Sound Healing (sold out)
Immersion of the sound vibratios and tones of crystal bowls, tibetan singing bowls, chimes and other instruments that will help you feel fully relaxed and renewed.
A five week course that will take you into the deeper layers of Yin Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Each week we will dive into a different element.
in the quiet misty morning ⎹ ONLINE
Learn to listen to the whispers of the change in the air, and uncover the profound peace that resides within you.
October online sessions offers meditation in movement.
10 sessions for you to enjoy, one practice each morning 21.10. - 30.10.
Slow Yin in Sound
Pause the world around you and relax while sound bowls are singing around you. Are you interested? We have everything you need for the session: yoga props, tea and snacks♡
early bird 29€
Täydenkuun kaakaoseremonia+ Feminiininen Shamanic Journey
Täydenkuun seremonia, jossa matkataan syvälle sisimpään ja takaisin omille juurille hoitavan liikkeen, vanhoja energioita vapauttavien hengitysharjoitusten, sydäntä avaavan kaakaon sekä voimauttavan rumpumatkan rytmissä.
SOUND JOURNEY into altered states of consciousness
A unique experience of sound. Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, chimes and many more instruments create a relaxing and easeful setting.
full moon late night yin
This event is designed to help you find balance, release tension, and cultivate a sense of harmony.
Sound Healing
Immersion of the sound vibratios and tones of crystal bowls, tibetan singing bowls, chimes and other instruments that will help you feel fully relaxed and renewed.
Upside down
An introduction to inversions and arm balances
Are you interested in turning the world upside-down? Have you always wanted to try lifting to a headstand or fly in a crow-pose, but don’t know how to start? Then this intensive course is just for you!
Asana lab
The four-week-long course includes an introduction to Heartful Flow, a creative and fun approach to asana, sweet and grounding relaxation techniques, and a beginner's guide to meditation. There will also be time for questions and proper hands-on adjustments.
The Art of Touch
(To book email victoriavaletutti@gmail.com)
The Art of Touch
Come with a friend or come to make new friends!
Get ready to challenge yourself, build strength, and have fun! Join us for KILLER CORE, a dynamic vinyasa workshop that combines yoga with the core-powering moves of pilates and strength training. This 2-hour session will leave you feeling empowered and energized!
Täydenkuun kaakaoseremonia+ Feminiininen Shamanic Journey
Hoitava feminiininen shamanistinen matka ja sydäntä avaava kaakaoseremonia.
Sound Healing
Immersion of the sound vibratios and tones of crystal bowls, tibetan singing bowls, chimes and other instruments that will help you feel fully relaxed and renewed.
sweet september
Livestream practices in September with Saga
15 mornings
15 minutes each morning
Slow Yin in Sound
Pause the world around you and relax while sound bowls are singing around you. Are you interested? We have everything you need for the session: yoga props, tea and snacks♡
35 €
Sound Healing
Immersion of the sound vibratios and tones of crystal bowls, tibetan singing bowls, chimes and other instruments that will help you feel fully relaxed and renewed.