Let’s dive a bit deeper in on our practice, on and off the mat.
This one is for yogis longing for an exploration of the many layers and aspects of yoga.
For all of us, who are thirsty for the knowledge and wisdom of the yogic path and applying it into our own everyday life. What is behind the big questions like “Who am I” and how can we adjust the yogic guidelines written thousands of years ago into todays world?
Warmly welcome to come and discover Yamas & Niyamas through learnings but mostly through insights as you tap into your own inner wisdom as we flow.
In this course we’ll explore a little piece of The Yoga Sutras (philosophical texts, foundations of yoga).
Yamas and Niyamas are a part of ”8 limbs of yoga” each limb being an aspect of the path of yoga, offering as guidance within our practice - on and off the mat.
The Yamas and Niyamas are spoken of as ‘moral codes’, or ways of ‘right living’ on a yogic path. They really form the foundation of our whole practice, and honouring these ethics as we progress along ‘the path’ means we’re always being mindful of each action, and therefore cultivating a more present and aware state of being.
We’ll combine a strong Asana practice and Yoga philosophies.
Once a week, we’ll come together and practice, and you’ll get some mind snack as a homework just for you to apply the teachings off the mat into your everyday life.
In this course there will be no sharing circles or discussions, everyone will get to explore the teachings by their own.
For each week we have a theme:
Ahimsa (non-harming) & forward folds
Satya (truthfulness) & strong legs
Asteya (non-stealing) & back bends
Brahmacharya (right use of energy) & binds
Aparigraha (non-greed) & arm balances
Saucha (cleanliness) & twists
Santosa (contentment) & balancing poses
Tapas (discipline) & core
Svadhyaya (study of the self) & splits
Isvara Pranidhana (surrender to a higher being) & inversions
So, who is up for commitment and a deep dive into Vinyasa Yoga & Yogic Philosophies?!
What to expect? 10 unique Vinyasa practices for 90 minutes + knowledge of Yamas & Niyamas
Where? New Sagayoga studio in Ullanlinna, Laivurinkatu 33
With? Saga Turtiainen, founder of Sagayoga and Villa Saga
When? Tuesdays 15.4. - 17.6. from 6pm to 7:30pm. Doors will open at 17:45.
For who? Suitable for students with experience of a yogic practice for one year or more.
Why? To deepen your awareness of your path on yoga.
Price: early bird 199€ until the end of November. Normal price 259€.
How to join? link below
Questions? send an email to saga@sagayoga.fi
I can not wait for this journey together. Join me, and let’s dive deep together!
Saga, Sagayoga