Sound healing is a form of deep relaxation that releases and harmonizes the mind, body and spirit. The sounds offer vibrations that can be felt physically in your body, lowering your blood pressure and alleviating symptoms of stress. The frequencies allow your cells to operate in harmony and to bring
your body into a parasympathetic state
Sound healing instruments have the ability to move trough skin, fluid and bones of the body, producing binaural beats and encouraging brain waves that help you feel fully relaxed. Our body has a natural capacity to regenerate itself. With the right nurturing environments and deep rest, our body repairs itself. The healing comes from within.
In this two hour session you are invited to indulge in the immersion of the sound vibratios and tones of crystal bowls, singing bowls, chimes, gongs and other instruments. All equipment is included to your comfort (yoga mats, pillows, blankets, bolsters and eye pillows).
There will be no movement or asana in this event. We start the session with short chakra-opening practice to help your body and mind enter a receptive state for the vibrations and deep relaxation. We do this while laying down eyes closed.
Doors will open 20 min before session.
Alisa is a yoga instructor who loves to explore different ways of creative self-expressions. Along with yoga she is a florist who likes to play with colors and create different ways of assembling florals. She challenges herself with improv-theatre and shares the joyful practices of improv trough workshops.
Sound healing is a form of practice that can induce altered states of consciousness and make the brain more receptive to new ideas and insights. For her it’s a natural addition to her artistic lifestyle and she’s dedicated to share these transformational possibilities of healing trough creative practices.
See more on social media
Feedback from previous Sound Healings
“Olin yllättynyt miten nopeasti kahden tunnin rentoutus kului. En osannut odottaa, että ohjaaja liikkuisi tilassa rentoutuksen aikana, mutta se teki äänien kokemisesta vieläkin parempaa”
”Odotin totaalirentoutumista ja sen sain. Rentoutuksen jälkeen nostetut kortit olivat minulle uusi juttu, mutta ne toivat ihanaa syvyyttä ja ajateltavaa rentoutuksen jälkeen”
”Oma olo rauhoittui äänimaljahoidon aikana, ahdistus katosi ja tilalle tuli keveämpi ja tyyni olo. Hoidon aikana tunsin kuinka hermosto rauhoittui ja kehon ruumiinlämpö sen seurauksena viileni. Keveä ja rentoutunut olo jatkui koko illan ja yön hoidon jälkeen”
”Tavoitin etsimäni fyysisen värähtelyn tuntemuksen. Voisi sanoa, että hoito ylitti odotukset”
”Kirkas mieli ja tunne kuin aivot olisivat olleet meditaatio-taajudella vielä kolme tuntia hoidon päättymisen jälkeen”
”My night sleep after this class was the best Oura ring score I’ve had yet!”
"It was a magical experience. During the crystal bowl phases my mind was completely free. I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or meditating but my body felt extremely light. The ocean drum and rain sticks brought me back to the present and I could feel them with my whole body. Every cell waking up. "
WHERE Sagayoga Punavuori, Sinebrychoffinkatu 11 a, buzzer 43
WHEN Saturday 15.2. 18:00 – 20:00
PRICE 35€. Includes 2 hours of sound healing with different instruments + all equipment for supporting your body in comfort (warm woolen mats, bolsters, blankets, eyepillows.)
Take with you warm, casual and comfortable clothes and a bottle of water.
SIGN UP by reserving your spot HERE. Find the right date and sign up from Sagayoga website.
You can also pay by cash or mobilepay and register by email:
All info and questions to ♡